FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

We from RICHACCU receive a lot of questions about the products we have for sale. Here you can read our frequentle asked questions and answers.

If your answer is not available in our FAQ, feel free to send us an email with your questions.


  • Is it possible to use the Richaccu batteries to save energy from solar panels?
    Yes, Richaccu batteries can be used to save the energy from solar panels - and the grid - so u can use it on the moment u need it.

  • What batteries are available from Richaccu and where can these be used for?
    Ricahaccu has several different batteries (from small to big capacity) that can be used home storage from solar panels. But also for car, motorcycle, camper, boat, house, garage and industry.

  • What are the benefits of having a battery to store energy?
    Now days it is possible to save your solar panels energy to the battery and use it any time you need it.
    With a dynamic contract (like next energy) it is at times possible to charge the free energy that is provided at night by the energy company (prices can be checked one day before) and use it for free when you need it from the storage on your battery.

  • Do you have battery management (BMS) systems available?
    Yes we do have different BMS systems for sale in our shop that can be combined with our batteries. 
    Most of our batteries have a BMS - build in - system.

  • Do the batteries have a digital display?
    Yes, our batteries have a digital display that show the exact charged voltages.

  • Can the BMS systems be used with an application on your mobile via bluetooth?
    Yes, our BMS systems can make use of a mobile application to use the BMS settings via bluetooth.

  • Does Richaccu do the installation for solar panels, batteries, hetapumps etc. ?
    Yes, we do not only sell batteries and BMS systems. If needed we can do the installation of solar panels in combination with inverters, hybrid heatpumps and batteries as well.

  • What kind of batteries does Richaccu sell and are these safe to use and have a certification?
    Richaccu sells LiFePO4 class A batteries that have the latest standard for safe use and the lowest risc. All our batteries have an CE-certification.

  • Do you have portable power stations for sale?
    Yes, we have a portable power station available that can be used for 230Volt equipment, can be used as a multiple USB 2.0 and 3.0 charger for smartphone/ tablets etc. and can be connected to solar panels and 230V to charge.


  • Do you have hybrid inverters for sale in your shop?
    Yes, we have a different kinds of (hybrid) inverters for sale from the brand Deye.

  • Which (micro) inverter can be used in combination with Richaccu batteries?
    Richaccu batteries can be used in combination with these brands:
    Deye - Goodwe - Pylotesh - Growatt - Victron - LXP - Solar - Sermatec -Cosuper

* Does Richaccu have electric installation equipment like DC isolators and Circuit Breaker for sale?
Yes, we have a all safe electric installationequipment for sale from the brand Projoy Electric. Soon available!


  • Can our company become a dealer for Richaccu?
    Yes, it is possible to become a dealer of Richaccu. Send us a message via our contact form, or mail us for more information.

 NO. 1 Rich Battery in Europe
 Save energy for the planet, for the next generation.